In-Person Seminars: Elevate Your Professional Presence and Interactions

(Virtual Live Seminars Also Available)

The way we are perceived can significantly impact the outcomes of our personal interactions, whether it's in sales, negotiations, management roles, or career advancement. That's where etiquette plays a crucial role. Etiquette, in essence, represents an unwritten code of behaviors that facilitate smooth social interactions in both personal and professional spheres. By learning and mastering the rules of etiquette, you can enhance your confidence, effectively engage with others, and make strides in your professional journey.

Despite common misconceptions, etiquette is far from outdated. It remains just as relevant today, if not more so, in our technologically interconnected world where geographical boundaries are no longer barriers, and communication extends beyond face-to-face encounters. Etiquette goes beyond antiquated notions of hat-wearing gentlemen and gloved ladies; it encompasses a set of principles grounded in respect, kindness, and consideration.


The Protocol School

Etiquette Etiquette Business Consulting Group offers you the power of stress-free positive interactions by teaching the following skills:

  • Introducing Yourself and Your Business Colleagues
  • Eye Contact
  • Making a Memorable Entrance
  • Poise & Presence
  • Soft Skills & Body Language Basics
  • Proper Response to Business Introductions
  • Breaking into an Existing Conversation
  • Remembering Names & Name Tags
  • Exchanging Business Cards
  • Mastering a Professional Handshake
  • Electronic Communication



In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, etiquette is a vital tool that sets you apart. While intelligence alone is not enough, mastering proper etiquette gives you that extra edge over equally capable individuals. If you've ever felt intimidated walking into a room, unsure of how to navigate social interactions or lacking confidence in your gestures, then this class is tailored for you.

Outclass the Competition equips you with the skills to exude confidence and authority. Gain the knowledge to navigate social settings with ease and build meaningful relationships. Join us to enhance your self-assurance and master the art of business etiquette.

Relationship-building is an integral part of business success, and this training builds confidence, poise, and finesse to business networking encounters by focusing on the following:

  • Workshop Highlights
  • How to prepare to attend social events
  • Appropriate business greetings
  • How to Enter and Work a Room
  • How to remember names
  • Interaction Intelligence
  • Being a Host/ Being a Guest
  • Appropriate Body Language
  • Conversations: Opening & Closing
  • Appropriate Conversational Topics
  • Do’s & Don’t

Who should attend? All levels of employees.

Outclass the Competition - One-Day Program. No lunch, Workbook included.

Virtual classes are also available.


Professional presence is a highly sought-after quality, often seen as an area for growth and development. To achieve success, it is essential to establish meaningful connections while emanating confidence and integrity. The Power of Professional Presence delves into your inherent leadership capabilities, enabling you to leverage presence as a means to communicate, influence, and inspire—ensuring that others perceive this remarkable quality in every interaction with you.

Your image is a powerful non-verbal tool to portray yourself as a polished professional across industries. Understanding the proper use of accessories, and colors, and adhering to business dress code standards empowers you to exude confidence even before verbal communication begins.


This training seminar officers the following:

  • The Power of your image
  • The definition of being well-dressed
  • The appropriate use of colors and accessories
  • Tips and tricks for a successful business image

Who should attend? Any employee who attends business receptions, conferences, chamber functions or represents your company in any type of meet-and-mingle event.

One and a half-hour seminar session, workbook included. Online training is available.


Business Etiquette Virtual Training

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    Business Etiquette Online Training - Coming Soon!

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