Leadership Etiquette For Managers and Senior Executives

The world of work has changed drastically over the last few years with the advancement of technology and the ubiquity of global competition. This means there is now a large gap between the ethics practiced by CEOs and those practiced by other employees. As a manager or senior executive in a company, your ethics are more important than ever if you are entrusted to lead others in their careers. Here are some etiquettes tips for managers to ensure employees perform better, have better morale, and make you appear more professional.

Good listeners.

As a manager, your ability to maintain an open flow of communication that encourages suggestions, complains, and feedback is a game changer on how effective your team members will be.

You should be available to talk at certain times and show that you’re approachable. Randomly have a short chat with individual employees to make them feel relaxed when around you.

Show care and compassion.

Show warmth and concern in the way you relate with other employees. Ask them about what you notice they like and empathize with their worries. Be friendly and open with the team, but don’t be too familiar to ensure discipline.

Be transparent, fair, and honest.

Employees look up to fair and transparent managers. Managers that stay calm during moments of crisis, acknowledge their mistakes instead of blaming someone else for them, and inculcate a sense of togetherness in their teams will always have motivated people willing to help the company achieve its goals.

Similarly, when a manager routinely recognizes and rewards success in a way each member of staff feels appreciated, the employees’ morale and productivity will soar.

Communicate instructions with enthusiasm, passion, and drive.

Managers set the tone for their teams; hence, they should be courteous in presenting themselves and speaking to team members. Employees will usually mirror back the attitude and behavior managers exhibit. So if they model discourteous or impolite behavior and it later becomes the company culture, you will have to deal with their bad manners as it starts to hurt employee productivity and turnover.

Strong will and passion.

Leaders must possess resilience and determination, with an indomitable will and passion for success. This will encourage team members to do their best and find ways to reach the goal.

As a leader, how you act can speak volumes to your employees. You should not be seen as a placeholder in the leadership position but as someone who readily guides and directs team members with a determination to achieve the desired outcome. However, don’t get carried away with the goal and become insensitive to your team members’ welfare.

In summary, senior executives and other managers will significantly improve employee productivity and the company’s turnover while retaining their talented workforce if proper care is given to how managers at all levels behave and are perceived by subordinates.

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