Who is Karene A. Putney?

           Hi, my name is Karene Putney and I was born in Jamaica. I spent most of my early childhood years in the beautiful city of St. Elizabeth, Black River before moving to the United States at age 12. If you knew me then, I was just like most other girls who were neither introduced to etiquette nor taught protocol while growing up. You would remember me as a “Tarzan” girl – my version of a tomboy. I was always outside playing in the mud, climbing trees, playing cricket with the boys, and getting chased by dogs! You name it… that was me. 

As I grow up, I realized that I’ve been carelessly breaking the etiquette’s rules; from not having proper discipline, not knowing how to eat at the dinner table, and breaking curfews. I would say I was a rebellious child due to the lack of training and not having a supportive home environment. However, when introduced to etiquette and civility, it changed my life. This was the missing piece of the puzzle. And it made sense to me.

Because of Etiquette, I now have a positive change in my life. This was possible through the awareness of civility. Etiquette brings respect to others; it builds confidence, self-respect, consideration, and peace of mind. I have reinvented myself into the polished young lady who loves etiquette, good manners, and civility. It makes a great first impression; it opens doors, and it leads to great opportunities. I have learned from my mistakes in life especially when you cannot control your emotions and show manners in any situation which can make or break you. Etiquette is not about having a set of rules but having a set of guidelines to help us to be mindful, live a civilized life among other people, and becoming a better version of ourselves.

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